Photographic CCD Filters
Astronomik CCDSeries Filters offer the world's largest family of products for color, contrast, and line filters for astronomy. Our Quality Statement is quite simple: we make the best filters for astronomy!
- Overview: Which filter for which application?
With Astronomik CCD Photographic Filters you get highquality filters for each type of out-of-this-world photographic image you are shooting. When we say "photographic'' we think of each type of imaging sensor. Cooled CCD cameras, digital and analog video cameras, Webcams, digital SLRs (DSLRs), and also conventional chemical film are all in our vocabulary. Our Astronomik Photographic Filters are the photographic filters of choice by professionals and leading amateurs worldwide on all sizes of instruments.
Our selection of filters is broad enough to offer you the most suitable filter for almost every instrument and every imaging mission. Whether you are using a small instrument or enormous professional optics, whether you are imaging under the lightpolluted skies of a large metropolitan area or from atop high mountains, Astronomik has the filter which will provide you with the best results. Period.
Our Photographic filters are optimized for photographic applications so that each object can be recorded with maximum image quality. Our LRGB color filters can reproduce the correct color of emission line nebulae, as well as the correct color of objects with a continuous spectrum objects such as stars, star clusters, galaxies, reflection nebula. (Other manufacturers sell LRGB filter sets which suppress artificial sky illumination and expect you to accept a significant loss in color balance.)
The transmission curves of our emission-line filters are designed for maximum suppression of atmospheric lightpollution and sky background which results in maximum contrast gain. In addition, when using the contrast filter CLS CCD the sky background (due to light pollution) will be suppressed and the colors of the object and the stars will be kept accurate. The curves of the transmission filters are optimized for contrast enhancement and color for instruments with an aperture ratio of f/3.8 to f/15. The use of even faster systems is possible, however we recommend a short consultation for some special instructions (contact).
All Astronomik CCD filters are parafocal, no refocusing is necessary after changing filters. (read more...)
Astronomik CCD Filter Quality Characteristics:
- Superior Substrate: Astronomik filters consist of a precision polished substrate on which the actual filter, in the form of very thin dichroic layers, is applied. These high quality measures will in no way reduce the performance of your optical train. Contrary to common experience with other manufacturers’ filters, with Astronomik filters stars remain fine needle points of light! (read more...)
- Coating: Astronomik filters consist of up to 130 layers deposited on top of the completely transparent carrier glass. These layers comprise both the actual filter and an antireflective coating. (more...)
- Parafocal Filters: All Astronomik CCD Filters are parafocal. When changing filters, the focal point will not change; you will not have to refocus your camera. This is due to the high tolerance and very low thickness of the substrate and coating.(more...)
- Durability: Astronomik filters are completely scratch resistant, and not sensitive to moisture, dew, or high humidity (touching a dewedup filter will, of course, not destroy it...if it is made by Astronomik!). With others´ filters, after a few years, you quickly notice their filters degrade and are not at their full, new capability. Not so with Astronomik filters which maintain their "brand new" transmission specifications. And, because of Astronomik´s extraordinarily resistant coating technology, our filters come with a 10year warranty. (more...)
- Comparing Astronomik CCD Photographic Filters to our Visual Filters: Unlike Astronomik Visual Filters which do not require IR blocking, our Astronomik CCD Photographic Filters do include IR blocking filter layers to prevent any problems from Infrared Radiation (IR) when using CCD and chemical photographic devices.
Astronomik filters are highquality accessories for photographic imaging which will significantly expand your imaging opportunities while helping you create beautiful images. After many years of use your Astronomik filters will be an accessory which will be ready to give you the same joy you experienced many years earlier when they were new.
Now that´s an investment worth making!
Overview of available filters:
Astronomik L-RGB Typ 2c Filter
Astronomik OWB CCD Typ 3
Astronomik MC-clear Filter
Astronomik UV-IR Filter
Astronomik IR-Block Filter
Astronomik CLS Filter
Astronomik CLS CCD Filter
Astronomik UHC-E Filter
Astronomik Hα 12nm Filter
Astronomik OIII CCD 12nm Filter
Astronomik Hβ CCD Filter
Astronomik SII CCD Filter
Astronomik Hα 6nm Filter
Astronomik ProPlanet 742 Filter
Astronomik ProPlanet 807 Filter
The table gives you a short Overview about the suitability of our filters for various applications:
Visuell dark skies
Visuell urban
DSLR (orginal)
DSLR (modified)
Webcam/Video (Planets)
Webcam/Video (Deep Sky)
Typ 2
IR 742
IR 807
Typ 2c
If you touch the symbols with the cursor, more information will be displayed.
++ The filter is excellent for this application, the dramatic better image!
+ The filter is good for this application, the much better image!
o The filter is suitable for this application, the slightly better image!
- The filter is usable for this application.
-- The filter is not suitable for this application