Clip-Filter system for Canon EOS cameras

Do you own a Canon EOS digital camera (List of compatibel cameras) for astro-imaging? Then you have surely encountered the following problems:

  • Large filters for large camera lens objectives are very expensive
  • If you place a filter holder between your camera body and lens you loose the ability to focus to infinity
  • For very fast (low f/ number) telescopes like the Vixen R200SS or the Takahashi “Epsilon” astrograph, a filter drawer or a filter wheel cannot be used since the distance to the corrector lenses would be changed.
  • With long exposure times your camera’s sensor chip is exposed to more dust

With the Astronomik Clip-Filter System you can take care of all of these problems at once!

The patented Astronomik Clip-Filter System is black anodized aluminum and laser-cut on state-of-the-art modern machines. It can be inserted within seconds directly into the EOS camera body. There are no changes necessary and all lens functions (focus, screen, image stabilization) remain functional!

Almost all Canon system lenses (with the exception of the genuine EF-S series lenses), all lenses (known to us) from third party manufacturers and all M42 and T2 lens adapters, can be used with the Astronomik Clip-Filter System. The Clip-Filter System also acts as an outstanding dust shield, which prevents the possibility of dust settling on the sensor during long time exposure (The MC-Clear filter does not have a filter effect and only acts as a dust shield.)

Questions and answers about the Astronomik Clip-Filter System

List of compatible Canon EOS cameras:

Canon EOS suitable for Clip-Filter astro modification possible Live-View Megapixel
7D MkII yes no filter for replacement needed yes 20,2
7D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18,0
20D yes filter for replacement needed no 8,2
20Da yes filter for replacement needed yes 8,2
30D yes filter for replacement needed no 8,2
40D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 10,1
50D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 15,1
60D + 60Da yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
70D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 20,2
77D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24,2
80D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24
90D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 32
300D / Digital Rebel / Kiss Digital yes filter for replacement needed no 6,3
350D / Digital Rebel XT / Kiss Digital N yes filter for replacement needed no 8,0
400D / Digital Rebel XTi / Kiss Digital X yes no filter for replacement needed no 10,1
450D / Rebel XSi / Kiss X2 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 12,2
500D / Rebel T1i / Kiss X3 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 15,1
550D / Rebel T2i / Kiss X4 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
600D / Rebel T3i / Kiss X5 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
650D / Rebel T4i / Kiss X6 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
700D / Rebel T5i / Kiss X7 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
750D / Rebel T6i / Kiss X8i yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24
760D / Rebel T6s / 8000D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24,2
800D / Rebel T7i / Kiss X9i yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24
850D / Rebel T8i / Kiss X10i
yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24
1000D / Rebel XS / Kiss F yes no filter for replacement needed yes 10,1
1100D / Rebel T3 / Kiss X50 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 12,2
1200D / Rebel T5 / Kiss X70 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
1300D / Rebel T6 / Kiss X80 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
2000D / Rebel T7 / Kiss X90 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24,1
4000D / Rebel T100 / 3000D yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
100D / Rebel SL1 / Kiss X7 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 18
200D / Rebel SL2 / Kiss X9 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24,1
250D / Rebel SL3 / Kiss X10 yes no filter for replacement needed yes 24,1
M series (all versions) yes: This version fit´s into the Canon Adapter EF to EF-M


MC-Modification for IR-Photography
For Photographers interested in daylight IR-Photography a "MC-modification" is possible for some cameras. If you are interested in this, please send us a short mail. We will give you more details. The "MC-modification" gives you no advantage for normal astrophotography!

Not suitable are cameras offered before 2003 and all varieties of the Canon EOS 1D and EOS M.

Mounting the Astronomik Clip-Filter:




Removing the Clip-Filter


Questions and answers about the Astronomik Clip-Filter System:

Can I use my existing 1.25 " or 2 " eyepiece filters in the Astronomik EOS Clip-Filter System?
This is not possible since the clamp has no threads. The Astronomik Clip-Filter System is only 2mm thick, including the integrated filter, and is therefore not compatible with conventional screw threaded filters.
Does the lens autofocus still function with the Astronomik Clip-Filter System installed?
Yes, autofocus, exposure measurement, and image stabilization control functions are still useable. The Astronomik Clip-Filter System does not limit any of these functions.
How is the Clip-Filter System in the housing of my Canon DSLR fastened? Must I make any camera body modifications?
The Astronomik Clip-Filter System can be inserted without any changes to the housing of your Canon DSLR. No tools are necessary  you simply insert or remove with your fingers.
When I use the Clip-Filter Systems do I still have to make other modifications to my Canon EOS digital camera for astro-imaging? Specifically, removing the camera’s OEM IR-blocking filter over the sensor?
The Astronomik Clip-Filter System does not have anything directly to do with a digital camera’s “IR-band blocking filter”. Regular photographic digital camera sensors have a very small sensitivity in the H-alpha line portion of the spectrum which is bad for regular photographs but very important for astro-imaging. Hence, Canon sells it’s cameras with an internal “IR-blocking filter” over the sensor to remove the over abundance of ‘red’ due to Infrared from ordinary photos. For astro-imaging, sensitivity in the red (the H-alpha line) is desired and is achieved by the removal of the camera’s internal IR blocking filter. The Clip-Filter System has no idea if Canon’s IR-blocking filter is installed or whether it has been removed. The Clip-Filter System can be used with both converted and with un-converted cameras with equal results.. (While the idea of not having to remove the IR-blocking filter in the first place would be welcomed, a filter used in front of the lens which increases IR red sensitivity is not available yet!... )
Can I use my regular camera lenses with the Astronomik Clip-Filter System?
Yes, you can use all the normal Canon EF bayonet lenses, either Canon OEM or non OEM such as Tamron, Tokina, Wallimex, Sigma, etc.. All lens functions will remain operational.
The use of Clip-Filters is NOT possible when using Canon EF-S lenses.
I have some the EF-S lenses for APS format sensor cameras. Can I use these together with the Astronomik Clip-Filter System?
No. Unfortunately the Clip-Filter System does not function with the EF-S series lenses. The EF-S series lenses extend further into the camera so that it is not possible to fit a filter between the lens and the camera.
Can I use the Clip-Filter System with my EOS/T2 and 2 " adapters to the telescope?
Yes, that is possible! In this case there are no restrictions. First insert the Clip-Filter into your camera and then install the desired lens adapters. The Clip-Filter fits in such a way that it cannot unintentionally fall out. At the same time, the integrated filter represents an outstanding dust shield for the sensor during long time exposures.
I want to take astronomic pictures, but the night sky is bright due to light pollution. How can I improve my results using a DSLR?
We would suggest two filters: (1) The CLS-filter enhances the contrast and allows you to have a 5x longer exposure time. The background stays neutral and allows fine corrections during the post processing. (2) If you take pictures of HII regions we suggest an Astronomik h-alpha filter with a FWHM (full width at half maximum) of 12nm. The gain in contrast is extreme and it's no problem to expose through the whole night. This offers you the possibility to take pictures with an amazing depth. The disadvantage of the filter: A full moon isn't a reason anymore to quit and go to sleep ;)
Is a h-alpha filter a reasonable purchase for my DSLR?
In principle, it is. A h-alpha filter provides you many new opportunities: The gain in contrast is extreme and you can expose through the whole night. Unfortunately, the DSLRs are less sensitive at the h-alpha wavelength (656nm) than "real" astronomic CCD Cameras. If your IR-block filter is not removed (or changed), the sensitivity is reduced even more. This ends up in very long exposure times. If you are interested in taking pictures of HII regions, you should think about modifying your DSLR.
Is a OIII filter a reasonable purchase for my DSLR?
The OIII filter is a reasonable addition to the CLS and H-alpha filter. The advantage of the OIII filter is the high sensitivity at the specific wavelength. You need the OIII-CCD filter either with 6nm or 12nm FWHM
The IR-block filter is completely removed from my camera. Can I use the ProPlanet-IR-pass filter?
Without the original IR-block filter your camera has an appreciable sensitivity. Therefore taking IR-pictures is absolutely possible with the ProPlanet-filters.
The IR-block filter is completely removed from my camera. Do I need any special filters?
If your IR-block filter is permanent removed or replaced by a MC-clear filter, your camera is highly sensitive in infrared. Therefore you need filters of the Astronomik-CCD-series (h-alpha, OIII-CCD, SII-CCD and h-beta-CCD), because only these filters have a built-in IR-block. The visual filters (UHC, UHC-E, Hß and CLS) are reasonable only with a IR-block filter.
I've got a DSLR made by Nikon/Sigma/Pentax. Can I use the clip-filters?
No. Unfortunately, the clip-filter system is - due to construction problems - only developed for cameras made by Canon.
I have a full-format camera from Canon. Can I use the Clip-Filter-System?
Yes, we recently designed a Clip-Filter-System for full-format cameras



If you have any more qustions about the Astronomik Clip-Filter system, feel free to contact us.


Available Clip-Filters:

Filter displayed products below by their features
  1. Remove This Item FWHM: 12nm
  2. Remove This Item Size: EOS APS-C Clip-Filter
  3. Remove This Item type: SII
  1. SII (672nm) (1)

Clip-Filter system for Canon EOS APS-C cameras

  1. Astronomik SII 12nm Clip-Filter EOS APS-C

    Astronomik SII 12nm Clip-Filter EOS APS-C

    excl. VAT (Non-EU): €167.23 incl. VAT (EU): €199.00

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